Saturday, July 20, 2013

Camp no-shows

I made up this camp called Cloverleaf Camp. Mom, Dad, Des, and Squeaky Mouse are campers. Me, Miss Piggy, Mr. Rabbit, and Mrs. Horse are the counselors. Mrs. Dog is the sign-iner. The problem is, we had the meeting, split up into groups, and then suddenly Mom has to go on an errand, and Dad has to mow the lawn. I'm frustrated. Des and Squeaky played Capture the Flag and Catagory Master, stayed for the meeting, ate something at Snacktime, and made a cool craft out of colored foam. They are troopers about staying where Mr. Rabbit can see them and they follow all the Cloverleaf rules. Mom and Dad stayed for half the meeting, ducked out of arts and crafts, and now have different stuff to do. Camp no-shows give me the blues.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bunny playdate

My pet bunny Cocoa that I told you about met a friend. A wild bunny hopped to the fence where she plays and stuck his head under the fence and they nuzzled and nipped each other and played. It was so cute. Here is a picture of them:

TRIPLE-QUADRUPLE CUTE.  My brother Des, who is five, also made a fence out of wooden blocks and the bunny jumped over it:

And also Cocoa, who lives outside, has a tree in her fenced-in place and lies down in the shade:

Twice as cute. Sometimes she makes herself into a ball and lays her ears back, but she does that mostly in her hutch or when I massage her.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Miss Nervous

I went to horse camp for my first day today and I was super-duper nervous about cantering. We didn't do that today, but it's a privilege. There are different groups in camp. It goes Fallabella, Shetland, Pinto, Arabian, Morgan, Quarter Horse. For Fallabella and Shetland and probably Pinto too, trotting is a privilege. I skipped Pinto. I'm an Arabian. Quarter Horses get to canter, I think. And maybe Morgans. Anyway, I was trembling the whole time. This is one of my horse paintings:

 Bye for now! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hi! My name is Sadie.  I have a little brother named Des. I am 9, but in a month and two weeks, I'll be 10! I have a brown dwarf bunny named Cocoa. Here she is:

Cute! She is really sweet and she doesn't scratch or bite. She is a little over a year old. She lives outside in a hutch. She eats rabbit pellets and hay and my mom's hosta (my mom hates that!) and grass. We let her out in a fenced-in place. She has a log that she hides behind. Her favorite vegetation, which are clover blooms, are there, too. Also, there are dandelions. That's the best place to sit because she's comfortable there and she just lies down. You can massage her and she loves that.

Bye for now! Thanks for reading!